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Showing posts from January, 2011

Expect God to move

The atmosphere of expectation is the breeding ground for the miraculous You have to wake up every morning and expect great things to happen to you. Anticipate the inevitable, supernatural intervention of God Dont stop believing God. Expect God to move on your behalf. Expect a miracle.Miracles still happen. He still does miracles. I truly don't care what anybody has said, or your environment or your body is speaking.God has the final say. so, its not over till God says its over God is on your side God has a plan for your life so,let God be God Can God do what He says he will. Well, can God? I know He can If He set the moon in place I know He can. If the sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening, I know He can The one who made the universe and holds the world in place,can do what He says. God cam do what He says He would This is what His word says Lo I am with you alway even unto the ends of the earth. You are the head and not the tail You will not die but li...
